
目前顯示的是 2月, 2015的文章


▌美國生活 ▌車子輪胎破胎

記得半年前有一次一早出門, 才開不到一百公尺, 就聽到車子不尋常的聲音, 本來還想說先跟他賭開到公司再說, 沒想到聲音實在太恐怖了, 我一下車看...哇! 不得了! 車輪胎完全扁了, 趕緊掉頭回去找老公, 在轉彎的時候輪胎皮都跑出去, 只聽到輪胎內框在跟地上摩擦的框啷框啷聲, 真的好心疼... 由於我趕著上班, 車子一丟給老公, 就開著他車先走一步了 (誰叫他10點才上班...哈哈!) 然後他馬上打電話給萬能的AAA (唸法為 triple A, 可以參考我另外 一篇文章 ), 人叫到了後他能做的就是把我們的車抬起來, 然後換上後面每台車都有的spare tire

▌ 美國生活 ▌Remodel 之 手做布窗簾篇 Curtain DIY

一直很想要自己做窗簾, 因為看起來蠻簡單的, 比做衣服還簡單, 但是事實上因為窗簾布太大塊, 所以也不好做呢! 首先, 我想要把我們家的書房及客廳隔個窗簾, 老公建議用sheer fabrics 就是有一點透的窗簾, 於是我就去LA downtown (只要看到drapery 就是賣窗簾布) 買了這塊有線條(有線條的優點就是等會在車的時候,可以有地方對準)、有點透明的linen窗簾布, 店家跟我強調這個不容易皺, 一碼 $14, 我買了十碼, 重點是他寬度有 120" 夠長, 所以我覺得蠻划算的 I always wanted to make curtain, becuase it looks so much easier than making cloth. However, it may look easy but due to the huge fabrics, make it harder than I thought it would be. First of all, I want to devide my studio and living toom. My husband suggests that we can use sheer fabrics so you can see through a little bit. So I went downtown to look for the fabrics. After viewing many stores, I finally ended up a store with this sheer linen fabrics. The width is 120", quite big enough for the height of my studio. Then I bought 10 yards and the price is $14 per yard. (Now you know making curtain is not cheap huh?) But comparing to other stores, I feel this is a good deal for me.